Maintaining Hopefulness


I haven't been writing too much on this (mostly) unread blog, mainly because the "externals" have been so bleak.  The world news, the economic news, the California strife etc. have not been very encouraging for the Luxury Basics jewelry business.  Many of the fashion magazines have gotten the message that spending for frivolous items has gone by the boards - probably for a long time to come.  Maybe this is the new normal, watching what and how you spend and making sure that you put something away for that rainy day.  This behavior certainly characterized my childhood and growing up years.  Materialism was not the center of our existence - not that we didn't crave certain items.  We saved for them.  Silly notion.  I guess that has been where I have been coming from all along with my premise for this jewelry business.  Buy quality.  Real gold, real pearls, real jewels.  Invest in the things that you really love and leave the rest behind.  Of course, buying what's in fashion now is completely fun - but it's also an expensive habit to maintain.  What's in today will be out tomorrow.  Classic is always in, though not as much fun.  Much easier on the pocketbook, though, and easier on your head when you go to sleep at night.  Fewer wrinkles of worry.  Less Botox.  See, it does make sense. Adjusting your head to the new reality of limits will result in less worry and over time, more hopefulness about the future and your ability to be happy and satisfied with the life you are living.
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